Incorrect or faulty order

If you've received an incorrect or faulty item, we recommend rejecting it with the courier upon delivery and contacting us as soon as possible to inform us of the issue. In case you only discover the fault or incorrect item after opening the package, we kindly ask you to send us pictures of the labels, and in the case of a faulty item, images of the damaged area as well.

Please make sure to log any faults within 48 hours of receiving the item and avoid using it further. If the item is already used, it might be difficult for our specialists to locate the origin of the identified area. Once you have taken the required images, please securely repack the item and provide us with images of it fully packaged, so we can demonstrate to the courier that it was securely packaged.

After we receive the necessary information, we will consult with the relevant parties and provide you with an update regarding scheduling the collection of the item and its replacement.

If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to contact us through our live chat, email at [email protected], or by phone at 01332 294787.

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