What temperature should you wash your bedding?

Washing your bedding at the right temperature is essential to ensure a clean and hygienic sleeping environment. It's recommended to wash your bedding frequently, especially white bed-sheets, which should be washed separately to avoid discoloration.

Considering that we spend about 50-60 hours a week in our beds, washing bedding requires more power and attention than our regular clothes. Therefore, it's recommended to wash your bedding at 60°C on a long wash cycle of 2 hours or more to ensure that any sweat, dust, and other forms of dirt are effectively removed.

Temperatures lower than 60°C may not kill all bacteria or remove sweat as efficiently, potentially leading to a buildup of harmful germs and unpleasant odors in your bedding. Hence, washing your bedding at the right temperature is crucial for maintaining a clean and healthy sleeping environment.

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