How often should you wash/change bedding?

It is generally recommended to wash or change bedding at least once a week to maintain good hygiene and prevent the buildup of allergens, bacteria, and other particles that can accumulate over time. However, the frequency of washing or changing bedding may vary depending on individual factors such as personal hygiene habits, lifestyle, and environmental conditions.

For example, if you sweat heavily during sleep, or if you have pets that share your bed, you may need to wash or change your bedding more frequently than once a week to prevent unpleasant odors and potential health issues. On the other hand, if you have a relatively clean sleeping environment and do not have any specific health concerns, washing or changing your bedding every two weeks or so may be sufficient.

Ultimately, the best practice is to pay attention to the condition of your bedding and adjust your cleaning routine accordingly. If your bedding looks or smells dirty, or if you notice any skin irritation or respiratory symptoms, it may be time to wash or change it.

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