Pre-orders and buying rugs that aren't in stock yet.

We strive to offer our customers the latest product ranges and ensure their availability. Occasionally, certain products may be listed under 'Pre-order' rather than 'Add to Basket', resulting in altered dispatch and delivery times. Pre-ordering a product means reserving stock that is expected to arrive soon. We value our customers' stock inquiries and encourage them to contact us with any concerns they may have.

Additionally, we offer pre-order options for custom-made rugs, but note that the selection available for purchase may be limited compared to our website. Please do not hesitate to contact us for more information to help you make an informed decision.

If a product is marked as 'Limited', we recommend purchasing it promptly as restocking may take some time. Please contact us if you require any assistance.

In the event that a rug is discontinued, we will work with our suppliers to check if any are still available from the manufacturer. Alternatively, we will help you find a suitable alternative.

We offer several ways to get in touch with us, including live chat, ticket submission, or by calling us directly at 01332 294787.

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